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HilbertRaum Reuterstr. 31, Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

Verwandlungen Florian Lenz Kiran Dahlmanns Laura Burkhardt Sebastian Drab Asako Fujimoto Jing Thomas Proksch Opening: Friday 12.11.2021 from 17 - 21 h Duration: 12.11 – 14.11.2021 Friday 12.11 from 17 - 21 h Saturday 13.11 from 14 - 19 h Sunday 14.11 from 14 - 19 h Verwandlungen is about personal transformation, and invites you […]

Wir feiern die 150. Ausstellung! Music With An Open End – Ambient Evening with LEFT WINTER (Manchester/Berlin)

Axel Obiger Brunnenstraße 29, Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

Ambient Evening on Thursday, October 6th, 2022 from 7 pm (free of charge) to the 150th Axel Obiger's Exhibition: OPEN END Petra Karadimas / Gabriele Künne LEFT WINTER is a composer and contemporary visual & sound artist. Based in Manchester and Berlin, his work spans sound and images that navigate the transitional area of music, […]