A trans


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A trans feat. Martin Juef_ZAR-Noturnos

Martin Juef’s images at first glance appear somewhat unclear: meticulous drawings look like print products, handmade collages like computer generated images, and blurry photographs like paintings. This ambiguity brings up questions of how the image was made. In this way the images by Martin Juef are poetic in the literal sense, and they conceptualize the […]

A trans feat. Bettina Weiß_Unter der Sonne (Under the Sun)

Invited to approach the themes of myth, world view, utopia, and icons in relation to space and the public sphere in an artistic way, Bettina Weiß has developed a painting installation for the A trans Vitrine. The works are a painterly meditation on the symbolic iconic representation of the sun motif produced for this location. […]

Opening A trans feat. Alim Pasht-Han _ yoroi

Opening Friday, 18.06.2021   7 PM Exhibition 18.06.2021 – 08.08.2021     Schaufenster 24h Vitrine U - Kleistpark (U7) in 10783 Berlin The artist is present. Please notice, we kindly ask you to accept the recent SARS-CoV-2-Infektionsschutzmaßnahmenverordnung of Berlin.   For further information: Facebook: atransorg Instagram: atrans https://www.pasht-han.com Instagram: @alimpashthan The artist Alim Pasht-Han tailors the topic […]

A trans feat. Opening Panos Balomenos_ me, myself and I

A trans offers a public forum for contemporary discourse and research into cultural paradigms, contemporary lifestyles, and new experimental tendencies in urban practices and identities. The word iconic referred since the 17th century to a picture, it’s representation, or a portrait. Panos Balomenos presents a series of 4 paintings that aim to comment on the […]

A trans feat. Crawford and Guéneau _ LOST

Vitrine U-Zoologischer Garten (U9) Hardenbergplatz,, Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

Louise Crawford and Stéphan Guéneau:  LOST “LOST” in the A trans Vitrine of Zoologischer Garten Underground station on the U9 Line in Berlin marks the artists presence in this urban setting. A neon tag taking the first two letters from their forenames creates a playful paradox on navigating through a city’s organized urban network. Louise […]

A trans feat. Roland Stratmann _ LIKE ALWAYS

Vitrine U-Zoologischer Garten (U9) Hardenbergplatz,, Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

  For the installation Like Always, Roland Stratmann draws on his series of postcard images. The starting point are collected handwritten and stamped postcards from all over the world. Large-scale ink drawings with pictorial motifs of our media-influenced memories overlay the postcard conglomerate assembled into a tapestry. Stratmann combines messages and standard formulations filtered from the pool of collective messages […]

A trans feat. Silvina Der Meguerditchian_ DURCH UND DURCH

Vitrine U-Zoologischer Garten (U9) Hardenbergplatz,, Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

In semantic fields Silvina Der Meguerditchian explores the space between the image and the written word, dissecting it into its smallest components. Paper - the primary support of the written word - is punctured by the materiality of wool or sewing thread. The words “we”, “love”, “place”, “together” are deconstructed in a thicket of fibers, […]

A trans feat. Birgit Kjærsgaard_ Mountain of Sadness

Vitrine U-Zoologischer Garten (U9) Hardenbergplatz,, Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

Within: in Kooperation mit KULTUR PROJEKTE BERLIN.   Since many years A TRANS is ongoing collaborating with the Danish artist Birgit Kjærsgaard within the project VERDENSRUM. Mountain of Sadness is part of the Japanese series and inspired by Osore-zan, a desolated volcanic landscape in the Aomori prefecture, famously known in Japan as the buddhist entrance […]

A trans feat. Thomas Sydow_ Deepwater

Vitrine U-Zoologischer Garten (U9) Hardenbergplatz,, Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

In his installation Deepwater, Thomas Sydow leads us into an underwater world of abstract scenery and naturalistic objects. Thomas Sydow, who began to create his own artistic universe as a self-taught artist 10 years ago, has produced a wealth of naturalistic studies and unique pieces with incredible dedication and intensity. In the beginning was the […]

A trans feat. Christine Kriegerowski_ Taggig

Vitrine U-Zoologischer Garten (U9) Hardenbergplatz,, Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

Taggig ist ein schönes Biest, ein Do-it-yourself-upcycling-Kaktus, groß, leuchtend grün und dornig.  Für die Berliner Künstlerin Christine Kriegerowski sind Zeichnung, Fotografie, Performance, Video und Installationen gleich wichtig. Ihre Themen sind Unvollkommenheit, Verfall, Perversion, Falschmachen, Bockigsein, Gefahr, Scheitern. Kriegerowski versucht, ihre farbenfrohen Arbeiten immer leicht und humorvoll erscheinen zu lassen. Die Objekte ihrer Arbeit sind profane, […]