Donnerstag, den 1. September, 19 Uhr. Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Markus Schrenk zur propriozeptiven Kunstrezeption mit anschließender Diskussion, unter Einbezug der Ausstellung CONSTELLAR von Susanne Britz und Maja Rohwetter. Propriozeption (engl. Proprioception) ist die unbewusste Wahrnehmung der eigenen Bewegung, Stellung, Spannung, Haltung des eigenen Körpers und seiner Lage im Raum. Sie wird auch als der […]
Featuring live sets of sound and moving image by crys cole, Golden Fur: Sam Dunscombe, Judith Hamann, James Rushford& James Richards with Tolia Astakhishvili, John Marriott & Steve Reinke, P. Staff and others Doors 19:30 / Performances 20:00 anorak is proud to present Songs of Cockaigne, an evening of live performance and artists’ moving image […]
LUFT – international networking event to highlight and connect the European artist-run art scene takes place Saturday, 10th and Sunday, 11th of September 1– 5 pm at KUNSTPUNKT, Schlegelstr. 6, 10115 Berlin. Eighteen initiatives from The Hague, Limerick, Stockholm, Riga, Copenhagen, Frankfurt and Berlin present their spaces and organisations, as well as selected art works at […]
LUFT – international networking event to highlight and connect the European artist-run art scene takes place Saturday, 10th and Sunday, 11th of September 1– 5 pm at KUNSTPUNKT, Schlegelstr. 6, 10115 Berlin. Eighteen initiatives from The Hague, Limerick, Stockholm, Riga, Copenhagen, Frankfurt and Berlin present their spaces and organisations, as well as selected art works at […]
For the installation Like Always, Roland Stratmann draws on his series of postcard images. The starting point are collected handwritten and stamped postcards from all over the world. Large-scale ink drawings with pictorial motifs of our media-influenced memories overlay the postcard conglomerate assembled into a tapestry. Stratmann combines messages and standard formulations filtered from the pool of collective messages […]
Planetary Atoll: Connecting Latin American Dots is an exhibition dedicated to a set of net art works that were produced by artists from the region throughout the last three decades. Surrounded by bipolarities, we are trying to liberate ourselves from nationalist ideas while needing to address specific issues. Whereas Internet based projects promise to […]
Eröffnung am Freitag, den 23. September 2022 ab 18 Uhr Ausstellung: 24. September - 22. Oktober 2022 Ambient Event am Donnersatg, den 6. Oktober ab 19 Uhr „Music With An Open End„ mit Left Winter (Manchester/Berlin) zur 150. Axel Obiger Ausstellung ! Ausstellungsführungen am 30.09. und 14.10.2022, 18–19 Uhr Petra Karadimas und Gabriele Künne befragen […]