TUESDAYS @HILBERTRAUM 30. NOVEMBER 2021 18-21 UHR Invocations of Remembrance A video performance work and installation by Paola Bascón They say, if memory had a body it would be a body of water crossing the ground, like a woven fabric of water strings that constantly interweave. Always opening, expanding, new channels of water emerging, ramifying, […]
Black Hole Eva Pedroza 3.12.-12.12.2021 Opening: Friday 3.12.2021 17-21 h Sunday 12.12. 17 h: Performance by Rosanna Graf with Gosia Lehmann For her first solo exhibition at HilbertRaum, Eva Pedroza is presenting 10 works from her new eponymously-titled series, Black hole, as well as watercolour paintings from her ongoing animation project Tako Tsubo – a […]
seit wir letztens über zukunft sprachen - Juliane Duda und Hanna-Mari Blencke Finissage am Samstag, den 4. Dezember 2021, 18–21 Uhr Öffnungszeiten: Donnerstag bis Freitag, 15 – 19 Uhr. Samstag, 14 – 19 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung.
Aufgrund der aktuellen Covid-Situation konnten die US-Künstler von Tiger Strikes Asteroid (Los Angeles) nicht zum für Dezember geplanten Austauschprojekt "BY EAR“ anreisen. Die Ausstellung "seit wir letztens über zukunft sprachen" mit Werken von Juliane Duda und Hanna-Mari Blencke wird jetzt bis zum 22. Januar 2022 (mit einer Winterpause vom 20. Dezember 2021 bis 12. Januar […]
Why not a rhinoceros? Sometimes a good question can be answered calmly. Sometimes the question involves a confrontation and we can only hope that we will be able to come up with something. Lothar Frenz claims in his book "Nashörner. Ein Porträt." that this animal appears again and again in the history of art when […]
Why not a rhinoceros? Sometimes a good question can be answered calmly. Sometimes the question involves a confrontation and we can only hope that we will be able to come up with something. Lothar Frenz claims in his book "Nashörner. Ein Porträt." that this animal appears again and again in the history of art when […]
The 'About Us' calendar series by Niko Princen consists of high resolution portrait photos the artist finds on the about us page of websites from companies, universities or other institutions. At panke.gallery we celebrate the 2022 calendar release in the presence of the artist and come together for the last event of the year with […]