
AWARD CEREMONY 28th September 2018

On Friday, the 28th of September 2018 the “Award for Art Project Spaces and Initiatives” will be presented by Torsten Wöhlert (Permanent Secretary for Culture). The event is organised by the Network of Independent Berlin Project Spaces and Initiatives on behalf of the Senate Department of Culture and Europe. Coinciding with the Berlin Art Week, 20 prizewinning Berlin project spaces and initiatives will have exhibitions and events in their spaces.

This year´s 20 award recipients are:
Ashley Berlin, ASN (Cashmere Radio,, ausland (projekt archiv e.V.), Axel Obiger, b_books, Büro BDP, COPYRIGHTberlin, Decad, die raum, Display, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain (Kulturring in Berlin e.V.), GSL Projekt, Kinderhook & Caracas, MAVRA, NON Berlin, sign CIAT, Sonntag, Spektrum art science community (Ciannameo & Ploeger Gbr), stay hungry, zqm_zwanzigquadratmeter .

28th September 2017, beginning 5:00 pm
Bar Babette, Karl-Marx-Allee 36, 10178 Berlin.

SURVIVE / raumohneraum
Vernissage: 27.09.2018, 7 pm
Exhibition: 28.09.–07.10.2018
Opening hours: 28.–30.09.2018, 1–7 pm
04.–07.10.2018, 3–7 pm
Finissage & Mobile Menu #07
So., 07.10.2018, 3–7 pm
The events around the prize ceremony held by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe are organized by the Network of Independent Berlin Project Spaces and Initiatives.
at c/o KUNSTPUNKT BERLIN, Schlegelstraße 6, 10115 Berlin.

Bar Babette, Karl-Marx-Allee 36, 10178 Berlin.

5:00-7:00 pm
Panel Discussion

SURVIVE! – Who and what is taking shape here?
Alongside museums, galleries, and other kinds exhibition spaces, art project spaces and initiatives are an important factor in Berlin’s art scene and they have a unique artistic mission. Real estate and capital markets are putting pressure on the scene, so that project space initiators struggle to defend their spaces and survive. Their independence allows for a certain kind of distance from the market pressure of commercial galleries. But herein lies a dilemma: How to survive and retain the power to act?

Moreover, the aspect of a growing hipness and event character points to very different social climate in the city. An overly pragmatic and market oriented value system in urban planning models as well as institutional frameworks leads the discussion about the future of project spaces back around to the beginning: Who and what is taking shape here?

Moderator: Dr. Séverine Marguin
Chris Benedict (Netzwerk freier Berliner Projekträume und -initiativen, Koalition der Freien Szene)
Christian Hiller, (arch +, An Atlas of Commoning: Orte des Gemeinschaffens)
Carola Rümper, (mp43 – projektraum für das periphere, artist)
Florian Schmidt, (Bezirksstadtrat für Bauen, Planen und Facility Management, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg)
Daniela Schmidtke, (NON Berlin, curator)
Dr. Ingrid Wagner, (Senate Department for Culture and Europe)

7:30-8:00 pm
Presentation of: Comic, ART MAP & Survival Kit

Comic-Zine: Alex Bodea, Maik Banks, Christopher Burrows, Henna Räsänen,
Maki Shimizu, Ali Fitzgerald.
ART MAP: 123 Project Spaces, 5 Project Spaces without space, 36 Project Initiatives.

8:00-9:30 pm
Official Award Ceremony
by Dr. Torsten Wöhlert (Permanent Secretary for Culture) with a presentation of the 20 awarded spaces 2018.

9:30 pm
Performance-Act & DJ-Sets
Black on Black
is a improvised performance by Ceren Oykut (Live-Drawing) and FezayaFirar (electronic live-music improvisation)
Ceren Oykut
Trailer on Vimeo

Oliver Schmid –
Rapante (ootb/Spartacus) –

11:00 pm
Party with Gudrun Gut

Gudrun Gut Berlins “real queen of electronic music”, musician, DJ and owner of the Label Monika Enterprise.
She was not only a earlier member of Einstürzenden Neubauten, but also cofounder of the legendary german bands as Malaria! and Mania D., together with Thomas Fehlmann she moderates the weekly radio broadcast  Oceanclub.
She is also author of

survive / raumohneraum
c/o KUNSTPUNKT BERLIN, Schlegelstraße 6, 10115 Berlin
Vernissage: 27.09.2018, 7 pm
NON論DA多{PLAY} #17 –
Performance Lecture
Sumi Jang – Dead Body Being
Fr., 05.10.2018, 7 pm
Exhibition: 28.09.–07.10.2018
Opening hours: 28.–30.09.2018, 1–7 pm
04.–07.10.2018, 3–7 pm
Finissage & Mobile Menu #07
So., 07.10.2018, 3–7 pm

Stay hungry and NON Berlin are two project initiatives without a venue and prize winners of this year’s Art Project Space and Initiative Award. They show installations and performative formats.

stay hungry

In this exhibition, stay hungry presents a site-specific work by artist duo Pätzug/Hertweck whose main focus is to playfully challenge our everyday experience of space. By placing mechanically animated sculptural elements at the central points of contact between anthropological, architectonic and geometric spaces, the artists encourage visitors to re-evaluate and question their perceptions of space and ingrained habits.

NON Berlin

NON Berlin presents works by artists Chan Sook Choi (multimedia installation), Xiaowen Zhu (video & installation), Sylbee Kim
(Video & Installation) and Sumi Jang (performance), who seek out the hidden stories of migrants. Through personal interviews and pertinent locations, they reveal the social and political dictates of the past whose impact can still be felt today.

Exhibitions by the award recipients during of Berlin Art Week:
(Most) Opening hours: Fr, 28.09. – So, 30.09.2018, 1 – 4 pm
(Most) Vernissagen: Thursday, 27.09.2018, 7 pm

AshleyAshley Berlin

Oranienstraße 37
10999 Berlin

Clerks’ Quarters:
Can There Be Forgiveness?

Vernissage: 27.09.2018, 6 – 9 pm
28.09.–21.10.2018, by ap.
BAW: 28.–30.9.2018, 1–4 pm

Artist: Adam Shiu-Yang Shaw

ASNAuditive Social Network (ASN)
Cashmere Radio,

Radio Programme
Experiments with Radio:
Onsite, Online & On Air

88.4 FM & 90.7 FM, 24/7

auslandausland (projekt archiv e. V.)

Lychener Straße 60
10437 Berlin

26.09.2018, 8 pm
27.09.2018, 8 pm

KOOK.MONO. schrift spricht.
Reading und Performances

28.09.2018, 8 pm

Guest: Fiction Canteen, englisch/german Literaturforum with selected Authors

amSTARt present: BRABRABRA – Rockkonzert (+ support TBA)

Axel ObigerAxel Obiger

Brunnenstraße 29
10119 Berlin


Vernissage: 27.09.2018, 7 pm
Ausstellung: 28.09.–20.10.2018,
Do.–Sa., 2–7 pm

Michael Bause, Harriet Groß, Myriam el Haϊk, Charlotte Mumm, Carsten Sievers, Francis Zeischegg


Lübbener Straße 14
10997 Berlin


Vernissage: 27.09.2018, 8 pm
Mo.–Fr. 12–7 pm, Sa. 12–5 pm

BDPBüro BDP / Broken Dimanche Press

Mareschstraße 1
12055 Berlin

Colt Jonner’s Desecration of Descent

27.09.–02.10.2018, Mo.–So. 10 am –7 pm

A project by Vera Palme and Elif Saydam for BDP Brise Marine

27.09.2018, 10 am –7 pm
Book Signing & Teasing Trailer Taster Reading
Artists: Elif Saydam, Vera Palme
BDP Brise Marine book launch / show of Colt Jonner’s Desecration of Descent

30.09.2018, 2–8 pm
Marathon loop reading on the sunday & groce BBQ from morning till night

“We’re probably gonna die up here!”
“Don’t scream. Don’t you realize what could happen if you scream?”


Schwedenstraße 16
13357 Berlin

Ping ohne Pong – Geste ohne Antwort

Vernissage: 27.09.2018, 7 pm
28.09.–28.10.2018, Fr.–So. 3–7 pm
+ by ap.

Artists: Sylvia Henrich, Stefanie Seufert


Gneisenaustraße 52
10961 Berlin

Beyond the Nation State I Want to Dream

19.07.–30.09.2018, Do.–Sa. 2–7 pm
Artist: Dorine van Meel

die raumdie raum

Oderberger Straße 56
10435 Berlin

Vertical Time

Vernissage: 27.09.2018, 7 pm
28.09.–04.11.2018, 24/7
AVPD (Peter Døssing, Aslak Vibæk)


Mansteinstraße 16
10783 Berlin

Getting Away With It (All Messed Up)

Vernissage: 21.09.2018, 6 pm
Event BAW: 27.09.2018, 7 pm
Mi., Sa., So. 2–6 pm + by ap.

Künstler / Artist: Berkay Tuncay

Just for the Hell of it is an evening thought as series of readings with the artist Berkay Tuncay and guests. It is initiated by Display and the artist in the frame of his solo exhibition Getting Away with It (All Messed Up) and will take place during Berlin Art Week.

Fotogalerie FriedrichshainFotogalerie Friedrichshain
(Kulturring in Berlin e.V.)

Kindheit geht vorüber und bleibt

Vernissage: 23.08.2018, 7 pm
24.08.–05.10.2018, Di., Mi., Fr.,
Sa. 2–6 pm, Do. 10 am–8 pm

Artists: Annette Lofy, Eva von Schirach, Linn Schröder

GSL ProjektGSL Projekt

Liegnitzerstraße 34
10999 Berlin

Pleasure Drive

∑X ÷ Oº × POX = ∑ Consciousness
The Glue that Drives Us
(Performance by The Cult of Rammellzee)

Vernissage: 27.09.2018, 18 Uhr – with opening cult ritual (Performance)
27.09.–07.10.2018, Sa.–So. 1–4 pm + by ap.

The Cult of Rammellzee, Benedikt Drew, Alana Lake, Max Göran, Natasja Loutchko, Ida Lennartsson, Renata Her, Sam Jackson

kinderhook und caracasKinderhook & Caracas

Kreuzbergstraße 42 e
10965 Berlin

Fashion Week

Vernissage: 27.09.2018, 7 pm
28.–30.09.2018, 1–4 pm

Bisagra (Andrés Pereira Paz, Eliana Otta, Florencia Portocarrero, Iosu Aramburu, Juan Diego Tobalina, Miguel A. López)


Möckernstraße 68
10965 Berlin


Vernissage: 22.09.2018
Exhibition: 23.9.-28.10.2018
Artist: Jutta Zimmermann

NON BerlinNON Berlin

Schlegelstraße 6
10115 Berlin

Hidden Dimension


Artists: Xiaowen Zhu, Sylbee Kim, Chan Sook Choi, Sumi Jang

Sign ciatSIGN, CIAT

Zossener Straße 34
10961 Berlin

Participative Project
BAW, Happening: 30.09.2018, 3–6 pm

Artists: will be announced on 30.09.2018


Jeden 3. Sonntag im Monat, 14–18 Uhr
Wechselnde Orte

Soziale Plastik
23.09.2018, 2–6 pm

Artist: Anna Steinert

spektrum artSPEKTRUM
art | science | community
(Ciannameo & Ploeger Gbr)

Bürknerstraße 12
12047 Berlin

28.09.2018, 8–10 pm
Di.–Do., So. 7.30 – 24 pm,
Fr.–Sa. 7.30 pm – 1 am

stay hungrystay hungry

Schlegelstraße 6
10115 Berlin


Vernissage: 27.09.2018, 7 pm
28.–30.09.2018, 1 – 7 pm

Artists: Pätzug / Hertweck

Zqmzwanzigquadratmeter (zqm)

Petersburger Straße 73
10249 Berlin

Fantic & Cruisade

Vernissage: 09.09.2018, 3 pm
09.–30.09.2018, by appointment

Artist: Zazzaro Otto

28th September 2017, beginning 5:00 pm
Bar Babette, Karl-Marx-Allee 36, 10178 Berlin

survive / raumohneraum
c/o KUNSTPUNKT BERLIN, Schlegelstraße 6, 10115 Berlin
Vernissage: 27.09.2018, 7 pm
NON論DA多{PLAY} #17 –
Performance Lecture
Sumi Jang – Dead Body Being
Fr., 05.10.2018, 7 pm
Exhibition: 28.09.–07.10.2018
Opening hours: 28.–30.09.2018, 1–7 pm
04.–07.10.2018, 3–7 pm
Finissage & Mobile Menu #07
So., 07.10.2018, 3–7 pm

Pressemitteilung (pdf)